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Total Safety’s supervisory capabilities include turnaround safety planning, confined space plans oversight, review safety plans for high-risk work, atmospheric monitoring, daily field auditing of personnel and equipment, conducting safety meetings, investigating all accidents, incidents and near-misses, managing injury cases, training contractors on safety plans.
Our Safety Supervisors can provide solutions supporting turnaround projects including:
We personally hand pick the industry’s best qualified and most experienced safety supervisors specialized for each specific job assignment.
All full-time Safety Supervisors are tenured employees and have completed supervisor training, confined space rescue training, Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS), OSHA 7300, OSHA 7115 and OSHA 30, customer service training, conflict and confrontation resolution training, and training on dealing with difficult people. They utilize our exclusive field procedures to ensure your project runs safely and efficiently. Here are some benefits of using our professionals: