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Total Safety Emergency Response Services includes the development of plans, delivery of training and plan management. Our emergency response services allow your company to put an emergency response plan in place to ensure the safety and health of your staff during critical emergency operations. Let us put our expertise to work on your behalf. We develop plans for natural disasters, fire, medical, rescue, oil spills, hazmat and more.
Services may vary by region. Please contact your salesperson to discuss offerings in your area.
Having a fall arrest system is half the equation. What if you had an injured employee in a high angle predicament? Would your team be able to conduct a safe and timely rescue or an injured or incapacitated worker? This hands-on course ensures that everyone on your team is prepared for rescuing a suspended worker from a fall protection system, rescues from above or elevated work areas, and other special applications where removal of a person may be required including trenches or excavations, and confined spaces.
Services may vary by region. Please contact your salesperson to discuss offerings in your area.
Total Safety keeps your employees safe by offering industrial rescue services that emphasize crisis avoidance and emergency training and are tailored to your company’s specific needs. We also offer trained rescue personnel to advise you on all aspects of crisis avoidance and management.
Our industrial rescue services include:
Total Safety offers industrial rescue programs for a broad spectrum of safety-related incidents like fall protection, H2S protection, fire protection and more. Every rescue program can include site-specific contingency plans, industrial safety equipment rentals and sales, respiratory PFT and fit testing, and trained technicians.
Services may vary by region. Please contact your salesperson to discuss offerings in your area.
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This comprehensive hand-on rescue course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to identify hazards associated with confined spaces in the industrial setting. Students will learn how to recognize, evaluate and develop a rescue plan when responding to confined space rescues. The hands-on course will help potential rescuers understand applicable standards that impact rescue operations, the physical and atmospheric hazards that may exist in a confined space, and appropriate emergency protocols including how to evaluate a rescue situation. Hands-on instruction will include hardware, harnesses, tripods, davit arms, a complete overview of ropes and knots, and confined space equipment including gas detection and air monitoring, ventilation equipment, and personal protective equipment. Students will also learn patient care and packaging as well as participate in rescue exercises.
Services may vary by region. Please contact your salesperson to discuss offerings in your area.
Only Total Safety has the people, programs and processes to equip your organization with the industry’s best rescue and emergency training services to keep your workers safe. No matter where you are in the world, onshore or offshore, our experts deliver the rescue services you need to be prepared in an emergency.
With Total Safety’s rescue services, you can:
Total Safety’s highly skilled rescue personnel provide services tailored to your unique needs, whether your operation is onshore or off. We can provide your site with qualified on site Rescue/Standby teams.
Services may vary by region. Please contact your salesperson to discuss offerings in your area.
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For more information about our services please fill out the form below or give us a call 888.328.6825