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Total Safety offers compliance inspection and audit services to help you achieve the highest safety standards in compliance with your industry’s regulations. Our diverse range of inspection services can provide trusted support for your operation. We specialize in the energy sector, supporting Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, and emerging Alternative Energy markets to help ensure that your job site is operating safely and reliably.
Total Safety’s SMART Inspections Service manages the regulatory inspection process electronically, delivering overall improvement in accountability, accuracy, and reliability. All compliance inspection reports are stored in the cloud for instant recall as needed for managing discrepancies and passing audits. All Inspections are conducted by trained and certified professional technicians who are equipped with tools, replacement parts, refill air or a breathing air compressor, to save you time and money on repairs and maintenance.
Total Safety’s Smart Inspection technology can be used for all compliance inspections including remote tank batteries, air cylinders, respirators, fire extinguisher inspection, spill containment inspection, and more!