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Industrial Safety Technology

Our solutions empower your jobsite with the technology, equipment, and compliance to keep your workers protected and connected. State-of-the-art safety monitoring software and systems report data in real-time, helping save lives and streamlining costs.

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Services, Equipment Rental & Purchasing

Total Safety solutions integrate advanced technology, specialized equipment, compliance regulations, and trained technicians to help ensure the safe wellbeing of over 50 million workers worldwide. Within our solutions, we utilize patented Central Confined Space Monitoring (CCSM) technology, GPS, Gas & Fall detection, monitoring, Smart Inspection, advanced reporting & analytics, and Motorola 2-Way radio systems. See why some of the largest businesses in the world trust Total Safety’s solutions to bring their workers home safe.      

Central Confined Space Monitoring (CCSM)

Het gepatenteerde Centralized Confined Space Monitoring™-systeem van Total Safety maximaliseert de veiligheid van de werknemers door besloten ruimten op afstand te monitoren vanuit een centrale controlekamer. CCSM omvat een innovatief proces voor risicobeheersing door innovatieve apparatuur in te zetten met getrainde veiligheidstechnici. Elk systeem heeft vijf soorten technologie, waaronder badge-/ID-lezertechnologie, permanente gasmonitoring, digitale camera's, hoorbare en visuele alarmen en communicatiesystemen.


Our advanced Centralized Confined Space Monitoring system digitally oversees your confined work spaces to secure the protection of your workers. Real-time integrated CCSM technology maximizes worker safety both inside and outside of permit required confined spaces, monitoring work atmosphere, activities, and employee identification remotely from a central control room.

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Door de fabrikant getrainde specialisten

Total Safety zorgt ervoor dat alleen de beste specialisten van het hoogste kaliber aan uw projecten worden toegewezen. Onze specialisten zijn gecertificeerde professionals die speciaal zijn opgeleid om apparatuur van partnerfabrikanten te bedienen en problemen op te lossen.

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