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Verhuur van veiligheidsmateriaal

Total Safety provides the technology, compliance, equipment, and people to ensure safety when you need it most.

Meer dan 250.000 verhuurartikelen beschikbaar

With over 200 locations worldwide and rapid same-day delivery, only Total Safety offers immediate access to cost-effective and compliant safety equipment, systems, and support when you need it most. Have your rental equipment delivered onsite or have a custom design solution just for you. Call today to speak with our dedicated team of safety experts and find a location nearby.

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Verhuur van veiligheidsmateriaal

Afhankelijke Ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddelen

Onafhankelijke Ademhalingsbeschermingsmiddelen

Ademluchtflessen & Flessenwagens

Ademluchtslangen, spruitstukken, regelaars en toebehoren

Uitrusting voor Pasvormtesten van Adembescherming​

Draagbare gasdetectieapparatuur

Persoonlijke gasdetectieapparatuur

Detectieapparatuur voor omgevingsgas

Vaste gasdetectieapparatuur

Externe bewakingscamera, badges en toegangsapparatuur en -systemen

Valbeveiligingsmateriaal en -systemen

Draagbare brandblusapparaten

Verhuur gespecialiseerde uitrusting

Tweewegradio's, repeaters, torens en systemen


Redding ringen en boeien

Redding uitrusting


Onze Total Safety locaties alsook een aantal van onze In Plant Services Centers bij onze klanten zijn VCA Petrochemie en ISO 9001 gecertificeerd.

Compliance Logos

Gecertificeerd, gekalibreerd en conform voorschriften

Met Total Safety kunt u veiligheidsmaterialen krijgen wanneer u deze nodig hebt, waar u deze nodig hebt. Elimineer nalevings-, onderhouds- en kalibratiekosten met veiligheidsmaterialen die worden onderhouden volgens de aanbevolen praktijken en de hoogste veiligheidsnormen.

Safety Technician Walking Through Confined Space
Safety Professionals Giving Safety Training for Industrial Equipment

Veiligheidstraining voor uw gehuurde materiaal

Van gasdetectie tot levensreddende val- en beademingsapparatuur, onze deskundige technici leren u hoe u de apparatuur die u huurt veilig kunt bedienen.

Training nodig? Wij bieden de nodige opleidingen aan!

Worker Safety Technology

State-of-the-art software, systemen en apparatuur voor veiligheidsmonitoring die gegevens in realtime centraliseren, analyseren en rapporteren, waardoor levens worden gered en kosten worden gestroomlijnd.

Smarter Digital Monitoring Professional
SafeTek SmartMonitor Icon


Smarter Digital Monitoring for Workplace Safety & Efficiency.

Advanced Worker with Safetek Face Guard
Gas Monitoring Services Icon

Breathing Air

Geavanceerde veiligheidstechnologie voor werknemers.

Safetek WorkZone Icon
Safetek WorkZone Icon


Technologie voor veiligheid op de werkplek en het werkterrein.

Industrial Walkie Talkies
Safetek Communications Icon


Communicatietechnologie voor bedrijfskritische situaties.

Safety Equipment Vending Machine
Safetek eDistribution Icon


Technologiegedreven distributie van PBM en veiligheidsmateriaal.

Expert Safety Manager
Safetek Hub Icon


Klantenportaal voor 360 graden veiligheidsmanagement.

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Praat met een veiligheidsexpert om uw specifieke veiligheidsbehoeften te bespreken

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Meer dan verhuur alleen

Praat met ons toegewijde team van veiligheidsadviseurs, ingenieurs en opgeleide technici om een oplossing op maat te vinden voor al uw veiligheidsbehoeften.

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Safety Experts Discussing Plans

Local feel. Global power.


Onze experts houden uw personeel veilig en zorgen ervoor dat ze werken in overeenstemming met de regelgeving.


We are one of the largest global safety companies.

unieke veiligheidsmiddelen

Een van de grootste portefeuilles van PBM.


De grootste inventaris van veiligheidsmateriaal ter wereld.

werknemers beschermd

We helpen elke dag om medewerkers veilig thuis te laten komen

“I confidently and without reservation recommend Total Safety. Total Safety's High Pressure Loop System was flawless. In addition to supporting approximately 100 personnel simultaneously under supplied air, they did so without sacrificing compliance or the health and safety or any personnel involved with the project. In addition the cost savings from implementing Total Safety's proven model, saved us more than $350K in labor costs alone. This does not include savings in equipment utilization models. In my experience working with Total Safety's team members, I can confidently say, each person espouses their Mission Statement of being committed …to ensure the safe Wellbeing of Workers Worldwide”

- A Major Petrochemical Refinery Plant, TX

“Total Safety continues to succeed where others have struggled. I appreciate the MET (Most Effective Technology) discussions on additional opportunities for us to provide a safe and efficient turnaround - Real Time Data Reporting, Confined Space Video Monitoring, Remote Gas Detection and the multitude of tools which Total Safety has to offer. This is how we're able to consistently provide Best In Class equipment and services.”

- A Large Petrochemical Refinery, LA

“Total Safety's dedication, professionalism, responsiveness, and adaptability while supporting confined space entry and rope access rescue support, and confined space entry control during the inspection of the power tunnel and subsequent repair of the tunnel lining. Your team was always willing to step up to help the Inspectors, Engineers, and Contractors solve issues related to safety. Your team was able to manage the different facets of this project with no down time, while remaining flexible to changes that were beyond their control. I don't think I could give enough praise for what your team added to this project.”

- A Major Energy Company, CO

“Thanks to Total Safety, we have another successful TAR in 2022. We first used Total Safety's SafeTek SmartMonitor system in 2019 and was pleased with the service, so we hired them again. Total Safety exceeded our expectations! We experienced a power outage during a vessel entry project, and Total Safety's SafeTek confined space monitoring system backup power immediately turned on and allowed us to complete the task without delay. Total Safety SafeTek technicians were very knowledgeable and professional. They were able to provide us with important data and even video backup anytime we requested it day or night.”

- Major Refinery Plant, LA USA

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local feel. Global Power

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