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Onze Missie
Als het gaat om gevaarlijke en risicovolle situaties, ongeacht in welke branche of waar ter wereld u ook werkzaam bent, is Total Safety het bedrijf waarop u kunt rekenen om uw medewerkers, buren en hun omgeving te beschermen.
Wij werken er elke dag aan om wereldwijd de best presterende en meest gewaardeerde leverancier van geïntegreerde veiligheidsstrategieën en -oplossingen voor gevaarlijke omgevingen te zijn. Wij streven ernaar een bedrijf op te bouwen dat de meest geavanceerde technologie, de grootste catalogus van veiligheidsmateriaal, de breedste nalevingsoplossingen en de meest gepassioneerde mensen in de industrie biedt.
Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Total Safety is the leading global provider of integrated industrial safety services, strategies, and solutions to keep workers and facilities safe. In 1994, we formed Total Safety to serve the needs of the oil and gas industry. Then we transformed our business through internal growth and over 30 acquisitions to become the industry leader in safety solutions. Today, we are doubling down on our Technology Solutions, innovating the way we approach worker safety. With over 200 locations worldwide, we have the technology, equipment, compliance, and people to deliver the best industrial safety services tailored to your specific business needs.
Het Total Safety-verschil zit in onze mensen. Ons wereldwijde team is met elkaar verbonden en wordt gedreven door onze missie om het welzijn van medewerkers wereldwijd te waarborgen. Om medewerkers te beschermen. Om medewerkers veilig thuis te brengen.
When safety matters, we’re ready.
Total Safety has embarked on a multi-year commitment to implement Loss Prevention System Plus, (“LPS+”), across our entire organization. LPS+ is a globally recognized business system, proven to reduce unplanned losses in more than 100 countries for the world’s largest refining, petrochemical, manufacturing, and industrial facilities.
In de toekomst zullen wij het voortouw nemen bij de volgende generatie veiligheidstechnologie. We blijven onze veiligheidsoplossingen uitbreiden en innoveren en eveneens ons wereldwijde bereik uitbreiden. We streven naar een toekomst waarin technologie alle medewerkers in gevaarlijke en levensgevaarlijke situaties kan helpen om hen veilig thuis te brengen. We bouwen voort op onze sterke punten in onze kernmarkt en breiden uit naar nieuwe sectoren die onze expertise op het gebied van technologie en veiligheid nodig hebben. We blijven toegewijd aan onze missie om medewerkers te beschermen, bedrijfslocaties veilig te houden en bedrijven overal ter wereld aan de regelgeving te laten voldoen.
People - People are our most valuable asset. We invest, develop, and mentor our team. Building relationships through treating people with respect, valuing diversity, listening, and caring for others. Servant Leadership - We lead by serving and supporting each other.
Safety & Wellbeing - Passion for safety is a lifestyle. The way you live, not just the way you work. Practicing behavioral based safety and adhering to all policy and procedures. By empowering "stop work authority” and working daily to achieve zero incidents. Leadership presence and engagement in the field.
Accountability, Responsibility & Empowerment - Accountability and responsibility to each other, our customers and our shareholders. We empower our employees by delegating, trusting, measuring and rewarding. Listening and giving all a voice.
Honesty, Transparency & Integrity - Feedback and open communication across all aspects of the business - the good and the bad. Respect for all customers, contractors, and third-party relationships. Being trustworthy in every word and action. Doing the right thing when no one is looking.

Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Clark joined Total Safety in January 2022 and serves the company as Chief Executive Officer. He brings over 35 years of industrial experience and was previously the President and CEO of HydroChemPSC. Previously, he served as President and CEO of PSC Industrial Outsourcing and Americas President of KBC Advanced Technologies. Mr. Clark graduated from Texas A&M.

Chief Financial Officer
Mevr. Shields trad in mei 2022 in dienst bij Total Safety als Chief Financial Officer. Judy's ervaring omvat big 4 public accounting, fusies en overnames, belastingplanning en compliance, evenals eerdere CFO-posities in de raffinage- en petrochemische industriële dienstverleningssector. Meest recentelijk was ze CFO voor HydroChemPSC. Judy is summa cum laude afgestudeerd aan de Texas A&M University met een BBA in accounting en is tevens een Certified Public Accountant.
President, North America and Canada Operations
Mr. Daniel joined Total Safety in June 2022 as its President, North America and Canada Safety Services, and is responsible for all activities in the US and Canada downstream and upstream business units in addition to the turnarounds and specialty lines of business. JJ has 30+ years of experience and started his career in a family-owned business before joining HydroChem in 1997 where he served in various capacities and most recently as President, Downstream Services. He holds a BS Degree in Business Administration from the University of Houston.
President, Distributie
Mr. Saurabh Vaidya joined Total Safety as President of Distribution from Littlejohn and Co. where he was a Value Creation Director. In this role, he served as a strategic advisor, focusing on Total Safety’s global strategic initiatives across top line growth, margin improvement and organizational design. Saurabh has more than 15 years of experience in strategy consulting, general management, operations and supply chain. He previously served as Sr. Engagement Manager for Kearney in their strategy consulting team. Prior to joining Kearney, Saurabh started his career at Sumitomo Corporation, working with major energy clients around the world in sales, operations and P/L management roles. He received B.E. in Production Engineering from the University of Mumbai, M.S. in Supply Chain & Industrial Engineering from Oklahoma State University and an MBA from University of Chicago-Booth School of Business in Finance and Strategy.
President, Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) Operations
Mr. Lanssens joined Total Safety in 2013 and serves as the President of EMEA. He is responsible for the Total Safety operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Steven served as the division Finance Manager for a public company and worked in various capacities for Total Safety prior to his current role. Steven holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and an Advanced Bachelor of Business Management from the UCLL University in Leuven (Belgium).
Senior Vice President, Global Business Development
Mr. Davis joined the company in 2022 as Senior Vice President, Global Business Development and is responsible for global business development (M&A), marketing, commercial services and pricing, and national account management. Prior to joining Total Safety, Joe led the business development team at HydroChemPSC in addition to sales and marketing roles at PSC Industrial Outsourcing LP. Earlier in his career, Mr. Davis was a Refinery Engineer for ExxonMobil at the Baytown Refinery. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University.