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Industrial Rescue Services & Equipment

Total Safety is a world leader in industrial rescue. Our experienced rescue teams approach every job with a proactive outlook for life safety, whether your operations are onshore or offshore. Being prepared in case of an incident is the first step to protecting your workforce in case an emergency arises. Our professional rescue teams have the necessary experience, training, and equipment to perform a wide variety of services for land-based and offshore rescue operations in accordance with the strictest standards and regulations.

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Total Safety’s Rescue Technicians are highly skilled and ready to serve your specific industrial rescue requirements. Our Rescue Technicians carry a wide range of certifications in both technical rescue and in the safety field in addition to holding EMR / EMT or Paramedic certification. They are all trained in Confined Space Attendant and Standby Rescue that meets OSHA 1910.146 and NFPA 1670 requirements. And because we want our teams to have the best equipment for the job, we supply standardized rescue equipment to meet your specific job site compliance requirements.

Total Safety’s Rescue Services:

Total Safety offers industrial rescue programs for a broad spectrum of safety-related incidents like fall protectionH2S protectionfire protection and more. Every rescue program can include site-specific contingency plans, industrial safety equipment rentals and sales, respiratory PFT(Pulmonary Function Testing),  respiratory fit testing, and trained technicians.

We believe our people make a difference. Our rescue professionals are dedicated to the safety and protection of people. They live the Total Safety mission:  W³ …to ensure the safe Wellbeing of Workers Worldwide. Contact us today!



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